Ufone customers can now find contact details of local businesses/hotels/ATM/Schools etc, in towns and big cities on the move by simply sending an SMS to 487.
This service is particularly good if someone is visiting a new city and wants to get familiar with local attractions,
How to Find the location
Format =
Example = Bank in Islamabad near F-10
Format :
Example = Islamabad, blue area, Bank
Business Categories
- Bank, ATM, Banks
- Shopping Centers
- Hotels, Restaurants
- Petrol Pumps
- Hospitals, Clinic
- Office
- Education
- Schools, Colleges, Universities
Each SMS will be charged at Rs. 2/- + tax.
Terms and conditions:
- This service will be available for both Prepaid and Postpay customers.
- The service is accessible on all kinds of handsets.
- 19.5% FED on usage and 10% withholding tax at recharge or bill applies
* Post from ProPakistani