Why should you encrypt your data? Encryption protects your data
from attackers or unwanted access. Encrypting File System(EFS) is a
feature of Windows 7 that provides file system level encryption. The
confidential data is encrypted and stored on NTFS file system volumes.
- Click on the Start icon. In the search box, type regedit. Open the regedit.exe.
- You can also open regedit by typing regedit in the Run command( Windows key + R)
- In regedit , expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER >> Software >>Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> Explorer and then click on Advanced
- To add Encrypt and Decrypt to the context menu, Right-click on an empty space in the right pane of advanced(as shown in fig.)
- Click on New >> DWORD(32-bit) Value and then type EncrpytContextMenu and press Enter.
- Now, Right-click on the EncrptContextMenu file and click on Modify.
- Change the value from 0 to 1. Click on OK and Close regedit.
- To remove Encrypt and Decrypt from the context menu, just delete the file you created.